Scone calories

If you would like to find out how many calories are in a scone, you have landed on the right page. We cover the calorie content of scones, using some of the most popular brands and flavors. Our site covers the calorific and nutritional content of the foods and beverages that make up your diet. As the best free calorie counter online, our aim is to help you make better dietary choices.

How many calories in a scone?

So how many calories does a scone have in it? Let's take a look using a range of different flavors and brands.

Starbucks Blueberry scone calories

  • A 4.2 oz scone = 460
  • 100 g = 383
  • 1 oz = 109
  • Starbucks Cranberry Orange scone

  • A 4.2 oz scone = 490
  • 100 g = 408
  • 1 oz = 116
  • Starbucks Pumpkin scones

  • A 4.2 oz scone = 480
  • 100 g = 400
  • 1 oz = 113
  • Starbucks Cinnamon Chip scones

  • A 4.2 oz scone = 480
  • 100 g = 400
  • 1 oz = 113
  • Starbucks Maple Oat Pecan scones calories

  • A 4.2 oz scone = 440
  • 100 g = 367
  • 1 oz = 104
  • Starbucks Petite Vanilla Bean scones

  • A 1.2 oz scone = 140
  • 100 g = 424
  • 1 oz = 113
  • Nutrisystem Chocolate Chip scone

  • One scone - 150
  • Breadsmith plain scones

  • A 4.5 oz scone = 420
  • 100 g = 328
  • 1 oz = 93
  • Breadsmith Raisin Cinnamon scones

  • A 4.5 oz scone = 470
  • 100 g = 367
  • 1 oz = 104
  • Breadsmith Chocolate Chip scones

  • A 4.5 oz scone = 460
  • 100 g = 359
  • 1 oz = 102
  • Panera Bread Wild Blueberry scone

  • A 4 oz scone = 470
  • 100 g = 416
  • 1 oz = 118
  • Panera Bread Cinnamon Chip scone

  • A 4.5 oz scone = 610
  • 100 g = 477
  • 1 oz = 135
  • Panera Bread Strawberries and Cream scone

  • A 3.7 oz scone = 430
  • 100 g = 410
  • 1 oz = 116
  • Panera Bread Orange scone

  • A 5.1 oz scone = 550
  • 100 g = 377
  • 1 oz = 107
  • Panera Bread Orange mini scone

  • A 1.7 oz scone = 180
  • 100 g = 367
  • 1 oz = 104
  • We hope that this section has helped highlight the number of calories scones contain. Remember that this will increase if you are to add anything to them such as butter or jam.

    Are scones good for you?

    The truth is that scones are a bit of a treat food, and despite the fact they are small and mainly fruit flavored, this does not make them good for you. They have a high amount of sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat in them, which means that they are not something you should eat an awful lot of, or on a regular basis. These are three key things that you should be limiting in your diet, and as far as the nutritional plus points of scones go, the bad surely outweighs the good.

    They do have a decent amount of protein, iron, vitamin A and fiber, but these are all nutrients that can easily be found elsewhere. You will also see in the above list that there are plenty of calories in scones too, which is not good if you are watching your weight. These calories come mainly from the high sugar content.

    Related pages

    Here are some other pages on our site that you may find useful if you likes your scones!

    More information

    We trust that you were able to find what you were looking for when it comes to scone calories. There are hundreds of everyday foods and beverages covered on this site, so why not stop and take a look around while you are online?

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    Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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