Calories in Squid
If you would like to find out how many calories are in squid, you have certainly come to the right page. This is a straight forward guide to not just squid calories, but also squid nutrition facts as well. We highlight the various nutritional benefits of squid, and explain in simple terms whether or not squid is good for you.
How many calories in squid?
First of all we are going to show you how many calories in fried squid, using a regular size portion.
- In a 3 oz portion of fried squid there are 175 calories
Squid calories by weight
- In 100 g of fried squid there are 175 calories
- In 1 oz of fried squid there are 49 calories
How many calories in raw squid?
- In 1 oz of raw squid there are 26 calories
- In 100 g of raw squid calories there are 92 calories
We hope that you have been able to find the information that you were searching for when it comes to the calories squid contains.
Squid nutrition facts
The following squid nutrition facts are based on 100 g / 3.5 oz of fried squid.
- Vitamin A - 35.0 IU
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 0.1 milligrams
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.5 milligrams (a handy 27% of your RDA)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - 2.6 milligrams (am impressive 13% of the total needed in a day)
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.5 milligrams
- Vitamin B6 - 0.1 milligrams
- Vitamin B9 (Folate) - 14.0 micrograms
- Vitamin B12 - 1.2 micrograms (a very notable 21% of your RDA)
- Vitamin C - 4.2 milligrams
- Vitamin D - None
- Vitamin E- None
- Vitamin K - None
- Calcium - 39.0 milligrams
- Copper - 2.1 milligrams (an amazing 106% of the total required in a day)
- Iron - 1.0 milligrams
- Magnesium - 38 milligrams (10% of the total you require in a day)
- Manganese - 0.1 milligrams
- Phosphorus - 251 milligrams (25% of the total you need in a day)
- Potassium - 279 milligrams
- Selenium - 51.8 micrograms (an amazing 74% of the total needed per day)
- Sodium - 306 milligrams (this is 13% of the total sodium you should be consuming in a day)
- Zinc - 1.7 milligrams
- Protein - 17.9 g (an impressive 36% of your RDA)
- Cholesterol - 260 milligrams (87% of the total you should be consuming in a day)
- Dietary Fiber - 0.0 g
- Carbohydrates - 7.8 g
- Water - 64.5 g
- Total fats - 7.5 g (of which 1.9 g is saturated fat)
- Sugars - None
The RDA/RDI featured in this list applies to the average male adult and can vary due to age, gender and individual requirements due to medical reasons.
Find out loads more about the nutrients that are displayed in the above list by checking out our vitamins and minerals menu. Here you can learn the roles they play in helping to keep you fit and healthy, as well as the various other foods that they can be found in.
Is squid good for you?
By this point you will have read about the calories in squid, and also it's nutritional values, but what does all this information mean, and is squid good for you? As you can see there are several positives when it comes to eating squid, such as it's high protein content, as well as it being a rich source of nutrients such as selenium, copper, Phosphorus, and certain B vitamins. Squid calories are not an issue either, as there are not an awful lot more to be found than in other sea foods.
However, there is an awful lot of cholesterol in fried squid, so much so that just a 100 g serving amounts to almost the entire allowance of cholesterol in a day for the average adult male. Eating it in very small amounts can provide various nutritional pluses, and also won't cause a problem when it comes to the fat and sugar that it contains, as there is no sugar and little far, especially saturated fat. However, the cholesterol factor is one that is rather large to over look, so squid is a food that should be eaten on occasion and in extreme moderation.
Further information
Thank you for taking the time to read through our page all about the calories in squid and raw squid. We really hope that we have been able to answer all of your questions relating to both squid calories, and also squid nutrition facts, with the information that you have found here. If you would like to learn more about the calories and nutrients that a wide range of other sea foods contain, please check out the menu on the left hand side of the page.
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