Calories in Popcorn?

Welcome to our page all about how many calories in popcorn. Whether you are watching a movie at home, or out at the movie theater with friends, popcorn is a common choice when it comes to a movie snack! Here you are going to find out about sweet popcorn calories, salted popcorn calories and also movie popcorn calories! We even have a section on popcorn nutrition information at the foot of the page. All of the information that we have on this page is free and simple to understand, if you find it useful then why not check out one of our other many pages on calories in food!

Movie theater popcorn calories

We all like a trip to the movies to see the latest flick, and often when we do so we will indulge in some popcorn as it is arguably the most synonymous food when it comes to the movie theater! But how many calories in movie popcorn? This question is not just answered in this section as movie popcorn is primarily of the salted variety and we cover salted and unsalted popcorn calories further down the page.

One interesting thing to bear in mind when drinking coffee is that it is also a metabolism boosting drink which means that by drinking it your body will burn calories due to the effort that it has to put in to break it down.

  • Calories in movie theater butter popped popcorn (salted) - One cup has 40 calories in

Microwave popcorn calories

If you like to watch your movies at home then you can always enjoy the great taste of popcorn by getting the microwaveable variety. In this section we will highlight how many calories in popcorn from the microwave.

  • There are approximately 155 calories in 1oz of microwaved, oil popped popcorn
  • There are approximately 55 calories in 10g of microwaved, oil popped popcorn

Salted popcorn calories

In America the popcorn that you get at the movie theater is generally white, air popped, salted popcorn or white, oil popped salted popcorn, in this section we are going to provide you with information on popcorn calories to match this.

  • There are approximately 110 calories in 1oz of white, air popped popcorn
  • There are approximately 39 calories in 10g of white, air popped popcorn
  • There are approximately 143 calories in 1oz of white, oil popped popcorn
  • There are approximately 50 calories in 10g of white, oil popped popcorn

As you can see there are more popcorn calories to be found in oil popped popcorn. The normal weight of an average sized cup of popcorn at the movie theater is approximately 0.3 oz.

Unsalted popcorn calories

In the states at the movie theater there is either salted or unsalted popcorn, but no sweet popcorn. Here we provide information on unsalted popcorn calories.

  • There are approximately 150 calories in 1 oz of white, oil popped unsalted popcorn
  • There are approximately 53 calories in 10 g of white, oil popped unsalted popcorn

It can often be the case that unsalted popcorn is flavored using a sweet topping that can also be purchased at the movie theater.

Popcorn nutritional information

As good as popcorn tastes, there are very few nutritional benefits from eating it. Popcorn contains a very small amount of iron, vitamin K, folate, cholaine and betaine, as well as niacin. These are so small though that they hardly count as beneficial. There is a small amount of dietary fiber in popcorn as well, but don't bank on getting all that you need for the day by getting the largest box you can when you go to the movies.

More Information

There is much more to our site than just information on how many calories in popcorn. We have several pages dedicated to the calories found in everyday foods, so take the time to check out all of the free information that we have on offer while you are online. With there being several popcorn to calories it may be a good thing that we don't all go to the cinema every day!

Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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