Calories in Pineapple Juice

If you are interested in discovering how many calories are in pineapple juice, you have come to the right place. This is not only a guide to the calorific value of pineapple juice, but also to it's various nutritional value that can do your diet the world of good.

Unsweetened pineapple juice with, or without added vitamin C/ascorbic acid

  • A 250 g cup of pineapple juice contains 132 calories.
  • 100 g contains 53 cal.
  • 1 fl oz contains 17 cal.

How many calories in a cup of pineapple juice? - Frozen juice concentrate with 3/4 water

  • A 250 gram cup of pineapple juice has 130 calories.
  • 100 g has 52 cal.
  • 1 fl oz has 16 cal.

Dole canned pineapple juice

  • A 6 fl oz can of pineapple juice contains 90 calories.

Del Monte 100% crushed pineapple juice

So how many calories does pineapple juice have in it from the Del Monte brand?

  • A 4.3 oz half cup serving of pineapple juice has 70 cal.
  • 100 g - 57
  • 1 fl oz - 18

We hope that the calories pineapple juice contains has been clearly explained here. If you would like to find out about it's nutritional benefits, please see the following section.

Pineapple juice nutrition facts

The following pineapple juice nutritional values are based on a 250 g cup of unsweetened pineapple juice, with added vitamin C:

Vitamins in pineapple juice

  • A - 12.5 IU
  • B1 (Thiamin) - 0.1 milligrams (10% of your recommended daily intake)
  • B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.1 milligrams
  • B3 (Niacin) - 0.5 milligrams
  • B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.1 milligrams
  • B6 - 0.3 milligrams (13% of the your RDI)
  • B9 (Folate) - 45.0 micrograms (11% of the total your diet requires)
  • B12 - 0.0 micrograms
  • C - 110.0 milligrams (183% of the total needed in a day)
  • E - 0.1 milligram
  • K - 0.7 microgram
  • Choline - 8.2 milligrams
  • Betaine - UNKNOWN

Minerals in grapefruit juice, white and unsweetened

  • Calcium - 32.5 milligrams
  • Iron - 0.8 milligrams
  • Magnesium - 30.0 milligrams
  • Phosphorus - 20.0 milligrams
  • Potassium - 325 milligrams (9% of your RDI)
  • Sodium - 5.0 milligrams
  • Manganese - 1.3 milligrams (63% of the total you should be consuming each day)
  • Zinc - 0.3 milligrams
  • Copper - 0.2 milligrams
  • Selenium - 0.2 micrograms
  • Fluoride - 13.7 micrograms
  • Protein - 0.9 g
  • Cholesterol - None
  • Dietary Fiber - 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 32.2 g
  • Sugars - 25.0 g
  • Water - 216.0 g
  • Total fats - 0.3 g
  • Saturated fat (what you want to be avoiding) - 0.0 g
  • Monounsaturated fat (good fat) - 0.0 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat (good fat) - 0.1 g

The RDA/RDI featured in this list applies to the average male adult and can vary by age, gender and individual requirements of a nutrient due to medical reasons.

Find out more about the nutrients listed above by clicking on our vitamins and minerals index to the left of the page.

Related Pages

  • Fruit juice calorie menu
  • Fruit menu
  • Pineapple calories
  • Foods rich in vitamin C

We hope that this page has been able to answer all of your questions relating to pineapple juice calories, and the nutrition facts surrounding this popular beverage.

We display information on calories in hundreds of foods and drinks on this site to help you with your calorie counting efforts, please take the time to look around at all of the free information that we have on offer.


Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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