Calories in Diet Coke

Coca cola is arguably the most popular name in the world when it comes to carbonated drinks, and diet coke is just as well known as it is the healthy version. How many calories are in diet coke though? This page is going to provide you with all the information that you need on diet coke calories, as well as diet coke nutrition facts. We also answer a common question that is asked in relation to the drink, 'is diet coke bad for you?'.

How many calories in diet coke?

First of all we are going to look at the calories found in a diet coke.

How many calories in a can of diet coke?

  • In a 12 fl oz can of diet coke there is just 1 calorie

Calories diet coke contains by volume.

  • In 1 fl oz of diet coke there are 0 calories
  • In 25 ml of diet coke there are 0 calories

Calories in caffeine free diet coke

There is a caffeine free version of diet coke as well, but this has no extra calories in than the normal version of the diet drink.

  • In a 12 fl oz can of caffeine free diet coke there is just 1 calorie
  • In 1 fl oz of caffeine free diet coke there are 0 calories
  • In 25 ml of caffeine free diet coke there are 0 calories

Diet coke calories with lime

You may have seen that there is another popular version of diet coke that contains lime as well, this has a couple more diet coke calories in than the regular diet drink.

  • In a 12 fl oz can of diet coke with lime there is just 3 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of diet coke with lime there are 0 calories
  • In 25 ml of diet coke with lime there are 0 calories

We hope that you have found the information that you were looking for when it comes to the calories in diet coca cola.

Is diet coke bad for you?

So is diet coke bad for you? Considering it has literally no calories in it by the can, it is not going to make you fat, and is certainly a healthier alternative to regular soda. A couple of cans of diet coke a day aren't going to do you any harm, but we do not recommend drinking it excessively. Diet coke is a healthy alternative to the full version, as opposed to a way to lose weight. Considering it has artificial sweeteners and chemicals in, that makes it less healthy than natural drinks such as water, but the same can be said for many liquids. If you were to ask if diet coke is bad for your teeth on the other hand, you may get a different answer. The best person to ask about that is your dentist, but don't expect them to recommend it to you.

Diet coke nutrition facts

With diet coke being a carbonated drink, there are very few nutritional values to speak of. We can tell you that a can of diet coke has 17.8 milligrams of potassium in, as well as 41 milligrams of sodium.

More Information

We trust that you found the information that we have provides on diet coke calories useful. If you wish to find out about the calories found in a variety of other everyday foods and beverages, please check out the menu on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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