Find out how many calories are in coleslaw

Coleslaw is one of the most popular side orders in the world, going deliciously well with various hot and cold foods, but how many calories are in coleslaw? This page is going to explain all about coleslaw nutrition facts and calories, highlighting whether it is good for you or not. You can't go wrong with a simple guide that clearly highlights what coleslaw actually is, alongside the good and the bad factors when it comes to eating it.

What is coleslaw?

Let's first of all provide a quick explanation as to what coleslaw actually is, as this may not be altogether clear to everybody. Traditionally coleslaw is made from shredded raw cabbage and carrots, with mayonnaise and buttermilk. Seasoning and vinegar can be used, as well as cream and sour cream, onions, radishes, peppers and even some fruits are often put into the mix. It is an incredibly popular side that is used with a huge range of hot and cold meals, from salads to pizzas and jacket potatoes.

Coleslaw calories

So how many calories does coleslaw have in it? This is what we will cover first, as this is going to be the primary reason that you will have landed on this page. Here we have provided you with a variety of different examples using the commercially prepared coleslaw you are likely to find in fast food outlets, to those found in the store, as well as being made at home.

Calories in coleslaw from fast food outlets

  • 100 g of coleslaw has 148 calories in
  • 1 oz of coleslaw has 41 calories in

Home prepared coleslaw

  • 100 g of homemade coleslaw contains 78 calories
  • 1 oz of homemade coleslaw contains 22 calories

Dole cole slaw calories

  • In 100 g of classic Dole shredded coleslaw there are 24 calories
  • In 1 oz of classic Dole shredded coleslaw there are 7 calories
  • In 100 g of classic Dole creamy coleslaw there are 100 calories
  • In 1 oz of classic Dole creamy coleslaw there are 28 calories

We hope that this section has been able to explain the calories coleslaw contains for you. Remember that if you are buying this from the supermarket the calories can vary from brand to brand, and you should always take a look at the label as this holds all of the nutritional information on the product. If you would like to find out more about the nutritional values of coleslaw, please see the following section.

Is coleslaw good for you?

So is coleslaw good for you? This is a good question and one that we are going to answer now. Coleslaw is not particularly high in calories, and it also has a low saturated fat and cholesterol content, which are all positive factors. The only negative that you can really pick up on is the fact that it is moderately high in sodium, but this is nothing to really worry about. It is a fantastic source of vitamin K, as well as providing a decent amount of vitamin C and folate. Coleslaw is definitely something that you can eat in the knowledge that it is good for you

Further information

We hope that you have found everything that you were looking for in relation to the calories in coleslaw, as well as it's nutrition facts. There are literally hundreds more everyday foods and beverages featured on our site, so take a look through the menus on the left hand side of the page to find any that may be of interest to you.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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