How Many Calories in Coffee?

Coffee is a popular hot drink enjoyed by millions of people worldwide, but how many calories in coffee or more specifically, how many calories in a cup of coffee? This page is going to provide you with all the information that you need on coffee calories as well as giving further coffee nutrition facts and also let you know how much caffeine in a cup of coffee.

This information is very useful for those that are watching their weight and counting their calories!

Before we proceed with discussing how many calories are in coffee we will start off with providing some background information on the popular brewed drink. Coffee derives from the coffee plant which grows in over fifty countries across the world, most commonly in temperate regions such as South America, Africa and Asia. It is believed that coffee originated from Ethiopia and in present times Brazil is the biggest exporter of green unroasted coffee, which is one of the most traded agricultural commodities across the globe.

Coffee is known to be a stimulant due to it's high caffeine content, for those that want to know not only how many calories in coffee but also how much caffeine is in coffee this will also be covered on this page. Coffee is picked as a seed and this is roasted before coming to ourselves as coffee beans or they are ground to provide many of the coffee we find on our shop shelves.

Alongside water and tea, coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the entire world. There are several variations of coffee depending not only from the species of coffee plant that it comes from but also in the manor in which it is processed and prepared. As a commodity coffee is one of the most important exports across the world.

One interesting thing to bear in mind when drinking coffee is that it is also a metabolism boosting drink which means that by drinking it your body will burn calories due to the effort that it has to put in to break it down. For more information on metabolism boosting foods please click here.

How many calories in coffee

The truth is that coffee calories depend not only on the type of coffee that you consume but also what extras you have with your coffee. The fact is that there are very few calories in coffee on it's own, if you want to know how many calories in a cup of coffee then there are no more than five which is next to nothing but of course that is just how many calories in a cup of black coffee without any sugar.

However, very few people just decide to have a cup of plain black coffee and add milk, sugar or cream to it, the effect is the amount of calories in coffee will then drastically increase!

You may like to flavour your coffee but it is important to remember that by doing so you are adding to your coffee calories and this is not what you want when you are watching your calorie intake at all. It is easy to watch calories in coffee at home but when you get them at a restaurant or a coffee shop then that is where they will come absolutely loaded with calories in coffee so if possible always check the menu as this may have the amount of calories in a cup of coffee on there.

Here are some example of how many calories in a cup of coffee(fl oz):

  • Calories in a cup of black coffee brewed - 0-5 calories in an 8oz cup
  • Calories in a cup of instant coffee - 4 calories in 1 tsp
  • Calories in an espresso coffee - 5 - 10 calories in 16oz
  • McDonald's Cappuccino - 130 calories in 16oz
  • McDonald's Latte - 180 calories in 16oz
  • McDonald's Mocha - 330 calories in 16oz
  • McDonald's Brewed Coffee - 0-5 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Brewed Coffee - 0-5 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Cafe Latte - 220 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Cafe Mocha with whipped cream - 360 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Cappuccino - 140 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Peppermint White Choc Mocha with whipped cream - 560 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Cafe Vanilla Frappuccino Bended Coffee with whipped cream - 430 calories in 16oz
  • Starbucks Hot Chocolate - 330 calories in 16oz

As you can see above if you like to flavour your coffee then what you essentially like doing is loading your drink with many calories and ultimately how you like your coffee to taste will determine how many calories are in a cup of coffee.

In addition to explaining how many calories in different cups of coffee here is some information on the specific calories that are found in the extras that people use to flavour their coffee.

  • Fat-free milk - 5 calories in one tablespoon
  • Flavoured non-dairy creamer - 35 calories in one tablespoon
  • Flavoured, low-fat non-dairy creamer - 20 calories in one tablespoon
  • Half and half - 20 calories in one tablespoon
  • Heavy whipped cream - 55 calories in one tablespoon
  • Plain non-dairy creamer - 20 calories in one tablespoon
  • Plain, light non-dairy creamer - 10 calories in one tablespoon
  • Sugar - 49 calories in one tablespoon
  • Whole milk - 9 calories in one tablespoon

Coffee nutrition facts

So now that you know all about the calories in a cup of coffee we are now going to continue by providing you with some more information on coffee nutrition facts. The following coffee nutrition facts are from a 7 oz cup of coffee prepared with only water and no extras:

Moving on from calories we will next talk about how much caffeine in a cup of coffee.

How much caffeine in a cup of coffee

Other than thinking about calories in coffee before drinking it other common concern for people may be how much caffeine in a cup of coffee. The reason that coffee is a stimulant is because of the caffeine that it contains. The amount of caffeine in coffee all depends on the type of coffee bean that has been used and also just how the coffee has been brewed. Below are some common example of caffeine in coffee for your information:

  • The average amount of caffeine in a cup of brewed coffee is between 80 and 135 mg
  • The average amount of caffeine in a cup of decaffeinated brewed coffee is between 3 and 4 mg
  • The average amount of caffeine in a cup of decaffeinated instant coffee is between 2 and 3 mg
  • The average amount of caffeine in a cup of drip coffee is between 115 and 175 mg
  • The average amount of caffeine in a cup of instant coffee is between 65 and 100 mg
  • The amount of caffeine in one espresso shot is 100 mg (1.5-2oz shot)

When talking about how much caffeine in a cup of coffee we are saying that 'a cup of coffee' is 7oz.

Headaches and migraines have commonly been linked with the intake of coffee and have sometimes a headache can be referred to as a caffeine headache.

We hope that this information has been useful to you along with the additional information on how much caffeine in a cup of coffee. Please check out our other pages for information on calories in foods and calories in fruit.

Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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