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If you would like to find out how many calories are in chocolate milk you have come to the right page. Besides covering this popular dairy based drink, we cover hundreds more of the foods and beverages that make up your diet.

You can learn more about the nutritional value of chocolate milk by clicking here.

How many calories in chocolate milk calories?

Milk is obviously something that comes in a number of varieties due to it's fat content, so don't worry we have taken that into consideration in our examples.

Chocolate milk calories - Commercially prepared, whole milk

  • A 250 g cup of chocolate milk = 208
  • 100 g = 83
  • 1 fl oz = 26

Chocolate milk - Commercially prepared, reduced fat milk

  • A 250 g cup of chocolate milk = 190
  • 100 g = 76
  • 1 fl oz = 24

Chocolate milk - Commercially prepared, low fat milk

  • A 250 g cup of chocolate milk = 157
  • 100 g = 63
  • 1 fl oz = 19

Chocolate flavor beverage mix, prepared with whole milk

  • A 266 g cup of chocolate milk = 226
  • 100 g = 85
  • 1 fl oz = 27

We hope that this section has been able to clearly highlight the calories chocolate milk contains.

Related pages

Here are some other pages that you may find interesting if you like choco milk.

More information

Thank you for checking out our page covering the calories in chocolate milk, we hope that it has been able to answer any questions that you may have had. You can find a huge range of foods and drinks via the easy to use menus on the left hand side of the page, so why not have a look around while you are online.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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