Blueberry pie calories

If you would like to discover how many calories are in blueberry pie, you have landed on the right page. Besides this popular dessert, we cover hundreds more of the foods and drinks that your diet consists of across the site.

To find out about the nutritional value of blueberry pie, please click here.

How many calories in blueberry pie?

So how many calories does blueberry pie have in it? Let's now take a look.

Commercially prepared blueberry pie

  • A 125 g piece of blueberry pie = 290
  • 100 g = 232
  • 1 oz = 65

Homemade blueberry pie calories, made from recipe

  • A 147 g piece of blueberry pie, 1/8 of a 9" pie = 360
  • 100 g = 245
  • 1 oz = 69

Canned blueberry pie filling

  • A 262 g cup of filling = 474
  • 100 g = 181
  • 1 oz = 51

We hope that this section has given you a clearer idea of the calories blueberry pie contains.

Is blueberry pie good for you?

Blueberry pie is a food that doesn't contain any cholesterol and does have a few positive nutritional points, such as it's moderate volume of manganese, fiber and vitamin K. However, it is definitely worth noting that it is slightly high in sodium and saturated fat, so you should not be eating it excessively.

There is no harm having it occasionally, but if you are calorie counting then you may be put off by the fact there are several calories in a slice of blueberry pie..

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Further information

We hope that you have found all of the information that you were searching for when it comes to how many calories in blueberry pie. You can find several other pies listed on our site, as well as a huge range of the foods and beverages that you consume every day. All of these can be found via the menus on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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