Find out how many calories are in goat cheese
If you would like to find out how many calories are in goats cheese then you have come to the right page. This is a guide to goat cheese nutrition facts and calories, with a clear explanation as to whether this popular type of cheese is good for you and why.
We have a whole menu supporting calories in different cheeses, so please click here if you would like to see these options.
Goat cheese calories
Let's first of all look at the calories in goat cheese, before we go on to cover it's various nutritional values.
- In 100 g of hard goat cheese there are 452 calories
- In 1 oz of hard goat cheese there are 127 calories
- In 100 g of soft goat cheese there are 268 calories
- In 1 oz of soft goat cheese there are 75 calories
Calories in hard goat cheese
Calories in soft goat cheese
We hope that you have found what you were looking for when it comes to the calories goat cheese contains. To find out about it's nutritional benefits, please continue reading the following section.
Check out these goat cheese nutrition facts
The following goat cheese nutritional values are based on 100 g / 3.5 oz of soft cheese.
Vitamins in goat cheese
- A - 1033 IU (21% of your recommended daily intake)
- B1 (Thiamin) - 0.1 milligrams
- B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.4 milligrams (22% of the total needed per day)
- B3 (Niacin) - 0.4 milligrams
- B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.7 milligrams
- B6 - 0.3 milligrams (13% of your RDI)
- B9 (Folate) - 12.0 micrograms
- B12 - 0.2 micrograms
- C - 0.0 milligrams
- E - 0.2 milligrams
- K - 1.8 micrograms
- Choline - 15.4 milligrams
Minerals in goat cheese
- Calcium - 140 milligrams (14% of your RDI)
- Iron - 1.9 milligrams (11% of the total needed in one day)
- Magnesium - 16.0 milligrams
- Phosphorus - 256.0 milligrams (a huge 26% of the total needed in one day)
- Potassium - 26.0 milligrams
- Sodium - 368.0 milligrams (a concerning 15% of the total you should be consuming in a day)
- Manganese - 0.1 milligrams
- Zinc - 0.9 milligrams
- Copper - 0.7 milligrams (37% of the total required in a day)
- Selenium - 2.8 micrograms
- Protein - 18.5 g (37% of your RDI)
- Cholesterol - 46.0 milligrams (15% of the total you should be consuming per day)
- Dietary Fiber - 0.0 g
- Carbohydrates - 0.9 g
- Total fats - 21.1 g (of which 14.6 g is saturated fat)
- Sugars - 4.1 g
- Water - 60.7 g
The RDA/RDI featured in this list applies to the average male adult and can vary due to age, gender and individual requirements of a nutrient due to medical reasons.
Find out loads more about these nutrients by checking out our vitamins and minerals in foods menu. We have a page for each one telling you exactly what positive contributions they make to your health, and highlighting which foods act as the best sources of them.
Is goat cheese good for you?
So is goats cheese good for you? This is a very good question and one that we will now answer. Like all cheeses it is unfortunately quite high in sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat. However, compared to various other cheeses there is actually less of all of these in goat cheese.
On the plus side there is a high amount of calcium, protein and vitamin A, alongside a variety of other nutrients that make goat cheese something that can definitely be classed as good for you.
More information
We hope that you have found all of the information that you were looking for on how many calories are in goat's cheese, and it's nutrition facts. If you would like to learn more about the calories and nutrients that are found in hundreds of other everyday foods and beverages, please check out the menus on the left hand side of the page.
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