Find out how many calories are in blue cheese

If you would like to know how many calories are in blue cheese, then you have certainly landed on the right page. This is a simple guide to both blue cheese nutrition facts and calories, with an explanation as to whether blue cheese is good for you and why. We also explain just what makes blue cheese blue for those that are wondering!

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Blue cheese calories

Let's first of all look at the number of calories in blue cheese.

  • In 100 g of blue cheese there are 353 calories
  • In 1 oz of blue cheese there are 99 calories
  • In 1 cubic inch of blue cheese there are 60 calories

We hope that this section has been able to clearly highlight the number of calories blue cheese contains. If you would like to learn about the nutritional benefits of blue cheese, please see the following section.

Check out our blue cheese nutrition facts

The following blue cheese nutritional values are based on 100 g / 3/5 oz of the cheese.

Vitamins in blue cheese

  • A - 763 IU (15% of your recommended daily intake)
    B1 (Thiamin) - 0.0 milligrams
    B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.4 milligrams (22% of the total you need in a day)
    B3 (Niacin) - 1.0 milligrams
    B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 1.7 milligrams (a helpful 22% of your recommended daily intake)
    B6 - 0.2 milligrams
    B9 (Folate) - 36.0 micrograms
    B12 - 1.2 micrograms (an impressive 20% of the total required in a day)
    C - 0.0 milligrams
    E - 0.3 milligrams
    K - 2.4 micrograms
    Choline - 15.4 milligrams

Minerals in blue cheese

  • Calcium - 528 milligrams (a massive 53% of your RDI)
    Iron - 0.3 milligrams
    Magnesium - 23.0 milligrams
    Phosphorus - 387.0 milligrams (a huge 39% of the total needed in one day)
    Potassium - 256.0 milligrams
    Sodium - 1,395.0 milligrams (a concerning 58% of the total you should be consuming in a day)
    Manganese - 0.0 milligrams
    Zinc - 2.7 milligrams (18% of your RDI)
    Copper - 0.0 milligrams
    Selenium - 14.5 micrograms (a notable 21% of your recommended daily allowance)
  • Protein - 21.4 g (43% of your RDI)
    Cholesterol - 75.0 milligrams (25% of the total you should be consuming per day)
    Dietary Fiber - 0.0 g
    Carbohydrates - 2.3 g
    Total fats - 28.7 g (of which 18.7 g is saturated fat)
    Sugars - 0.5 g
    Water - 42.4 g

The RDA/RDI featured in this list applies to the average male adult and can vary by age, gender and individual requirements of a nutrient due to medical reasons.

Find out loads more about these nutrients by checking out our vitamins and minerals in foods menu. We have a page for each one telling you exactly what positive contributions they make to your health, and highlighting which foods act as the best sources of them.

Is blue cheese good for you?

Like most cheese, blue cheese is something that can provide you with a wealth of nutritional benefits, making it something that can be classed as good for you. It has a high protein content, and also provides a massive supply of the minerals calcium, phosphorus and selenium. On top of that it also gives you a great dose of vitamin A as well as several B vitamins.

However, on the negative side there is a high amount of saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol in blue cheese, although this can be said for any type of cheese. There are also several blue cheese calories to be found in a small quantity, but again that is the case with all cheese.

If you are going to eat blue cheese in moderation and not every single day then there is no reason why it can't figure in your diet as something positive.

Why is blue cheese blue?

So why is blue cheese blue, and not yellow, white or red like most common versions of cheese? Well you may or may not have guessed it, but the primary reason that blue cheese is such an unusual color is because it is moldy. This may not make it sound all that attractive to everyone, but the fact is that many cheese connoisseurs out there will like moldy cheese! This does not mean that it is bad, or that it has been left in the fridge for months, in fact it is made specifically to go this way. This is what gives blue cheese its strong smell and taste.

More information

Hopefully you will have found all that you were looking for here regarding how many calories are in blue cheese, as well as its nutrition facts. We have covered hundreds of other everyday foods and beverages on this site, so please take a look round while you are online via the menus on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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