Calories in a Tomato

If you are looking to find out how many calories in a tomato then you have come to the right page! Here you will find quick and easy information on tomato calories in a variety of different shapes, sizes and forms, not just as in your average tomato, but also associated products such as how many calories in tomato juice, tomato sauce, tomato ketchup and tomato soup. We can even tell you how many calories in cherry tomatoes!

The information on this page is displayed in simple terms so that it is east to follow and therefore anybody can make the most of it. There is much more to our site than just calories tomato have in them so please have a browse.

In modern society more and more people are becoming health conscious and the need to know how many calories are in the foods that they eat is essential. On this page and also the rest of our site you will find a wealth of information on the number of calories that are found in everyday foods. The information is displayed clearly on each page without the need for you to pull down menus and type figures into boxes, and it is completely free for you to use.

How many calories in a tomato?

In the first and main section of the page we are going to cover how many calories are in a tomato as this is more than likely the main reason you will have visited the page. We have used a range of different size tomatoes and also weights of the tomato for our tomato calorie figures. Just to be clear we are talking about a tomato that is red and ripe and the raw edible fruit.

  • 1 whole small tomato weighing approx 3.2 oz - 16 tomato calories in it
  • 1 whole medium tomato weighing approx 4.3 oz - 22 calories
  • 1 whole large tomato weighing approx 6.4 oz - 33 calories
  • 1 Italian tomato weighing approx 2.2 oz - 11 calories in tomato
  • 1 plum tomato weighing approx 2.2 oz - 11 calories in tomato
  • A thin slice of tomato weighing approx 0.5 oz contains 3 calories
  • A thick slice of tomato weighing approx 1 oz has 5 calories
  • A 3.5 oz serving of crushed canned tomatoes - 32 calories
  • 1 oz of tomato flesh - 5 calories in
  • 10 g of tomato flesh - 3 calories in
  • 100 g of tomato flesh - 18 calories.

We hope that you have found what you are looking for in this section, however if you are looking for calories tomato have in different forms then please take a look at the following sections as there is plenty more tomato calories information for you there.

How many calories in tomato juice?

Tomato juice is a popular drink that people like to enjoy either socially or in the confines of their home, but how many calories in tomato juice? This next section is going to provide you with some information on tomato juice calories.

  • Canned tomato juice with salt inc weighing 6 fl oz - 31 calories
  • Canned tomato juice with salt inc, a cup weighing 8 fl oz - 41 calories

If you are out and about eating at restaurants or you order tomato juice at a bar, these are the average size of beverages that you will get and the tomato juice calories found in them:

  • A small cup of tomato juice 1 fl oz contains 28 calories
  • A pint (4 fl oz) of tomato juice has 56 calories
  • 1 fl oz has 28 calories in tomato juice
  • 10 ml has 1 calorie in tomato juice in

There are plenty more tomato products featured on this page so if you want to know more than how many calories are in tomato juice then please read on.

How many calories in tomato sauce?

In this section it is important that you recognise that when we are talking about how many calories are in tomato sauce we don't mean tomato ketchup, in the UK these are generally referred to as one and the same.

  • A cup of tomato sauce weighing approx 8 fl oz - 78 calories
  • 1 fl oz of tomato sauce - 10 calories
  • 10 ml of tomato sauce - 3 calories in

If you have meatballs in your tomato sauce then it is worth noting that one small meatball that is about an inch in diameter has 40 calories in.

If you are look for ketchup calories and now how many calories are in tomato sauce then please take a look further down the page.

Calories in tomato soup

Here we are going to provide you with some information on how many calories in tomato soup. This is one of the most popular soups around, whether it is bought in restaurants or the supermarket.

  • 1 cup of condensed tomato soup from the can weighing approx 8.9 oz - 151 calories
  • 1 can of condensed tomato soup weighing approx 10.8 oz - 183 calories
  • 1 oz of condensed tomato soup from the can - 17 calories in tomato soup
  • 10 g of condensed tomato soup from the can - 6 calories

Always check the label on the tin or the packet to find out exactly how many calories are in tomato soup as again it is possible that this can vary slightly from brand to brand, plus there is always the chance of there being added ingredients along with the tomatoes.

How many calories in cherry tomatoes?

Of course when you are thinking about how many calories in cherry tomatoes the answer may vary slightly from brand to brand, however the difference is not going to be huge and meaningful. Below we have provided you with a list of cherry tomato calories. With the average cherry tomato weight approximately 0.6 oz we have used this as an example for calories tomato have in this size:

  • 1 Cherry tomato weighing 0.6 oz - 5 calories in cherry tomato
  • 1 oz of cherry tomato - 8 cherry tomato calories
  • 10 g of cherry tomato - 3 calories
  • 5.3 oz cup of cherry tomatoes - 27 calories

Naturally if you are going to buy a bigger carton of cherry tomatoes there are going to be more calories in there as a whole but on average each cherry tomato, or weight of should be as the above list show as far as calories go. For further information on calories in cherry tomato and more important nutritional information always read the label of products.

A bit about the tomato

Before we go on to cover the facts and figures on tomato calories, we are going to provide some basic information on the popular food that is the tomato. The tomato is in fact a fruit although it is commonly perceived to be a vegetable. It is an incredibly diverse food that can be enjoyed in a variety of meals and also in many different forms as you will see on this page when go on to provide you with information on how many calories are in a tomato and tomato related products. Despite originating from South America the tomato is now found all over the world and are a common garden fruit in places such as Europe and North America.

Tomato Nutrition Facts

Check out some tomato nutrition facts

If you would like to find out about the nutritional value of tomatoes you have certainly come to the right place. Finding out about the calorific and nutritional content of the foods that you eat is vital if you are somebody who is looking after their health. Here you are going to find a list of tomato nutrition facts along with an explanation as to whether tomatoes are good for you or not. We also point you in the right direction when it comes to how many calories are in tomatoes.

The following tomato nutrition facts are based on a medium sized 123 g raw tomato:

Vitamins in a tomato

  • Vitamin A - 1,025.0 IU (20% of your recommended daily intake)
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 0.0 milligrams
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.0 milligrams
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - 0.7 milligrams
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.1 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.1 milligrams
  • B9 (Folate) - 18.5 micrograms
  • B12 - 0.0 micrograms
  • C - 15.6 milligrams (26% of your RDI)
  • D - 0.0 IU
  • E - 0/7 milligrams
  • K - 9.7 micrograms (12% of the total needed in one day)
  • Choline - 8.2 milligrams
  • Betaine - 0.1 milligrams

Minerals in tomato

  • Calcium - 12.3 milligrams
  • Iron - 0.3 milligrams
  • Magnesium - 13.5 milligrams
  • Phosphorus - 29.5 milligrams
  • Potassium - 292.0 milligrams
  • Sodium - 6.2 milligrams
  • Manganese - 0.1 milligrams
  • Zinc - 0.2 milligrams
  • Copper - 0.1 milligrams
  • Selenium - 0.0 micrograms
  • Fluoride - 2.8 micrograms
  • Protein - 1.1 g
  • Cholesterol - 0.0 milligrams
  • Dietary Fiber - 1.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 4.8 g
  • Sugars - 3.2 g
  • Water - 116 g
  • Total fats - 0.2 g
  • Saturated fat (what you want to be avoiding) - 0.0 g
  • Monounsaturated fat (good fat) - 0.0 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat (good fat) - 0.1 g

The RDA/RDI featured in this list applies to the average male adult and can vary by age, gender and individual requirements of a nutrient due to medical reasons.

Related Pages

Why not check out some of the following links to find out more on this nutritious and popular fruit:

More Information

There is much more to our site than just information on how many calories in a tomato so please take the time to have a look around while you are online.

Now that you know all about calories in tomato and how these are relatively few we hope that you can enjoy this delicious fruit in your diet on a regular basis, remember to be sparing with calorie loaded products that are related though such as tomato ketchup, there is a reason that it makes everything taste better and that is because it is loaded with calories tomato has and from many additives too.

Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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