Calories in Sugar?

Thank you for visiting our page all about how many calories in sugar. Here we are going to provide you with straight forward, simple to understand, and what's more free information, all about sugar calories. We are going to cover both calories in white sugar, and how many calories in brown sugar, as well as common quantities that you will find sugar in such as how many calories in a teaspoon of sugar

In modern society it is becoming more and more popular to count the calories that we consume, and sugar is something that it is fair to say most people will come across on a daily basis. Whether it is sugar for your tea and coffee or as an ingredient to millions of foods, it is well worth checking out the number of calories in sugar.

If you are counting your sugar calories then you may also find our page on how many calories in coffee useful as well.

White sugar is something that is made from the juice of sugar cane and provides sweetness to food and drink, as well as enhancing flavor and texture. Brown sugar has a stronger and more distinctive flavor, and is widely regarded as being very complimentary in coffee.

White sugar calories

First of all we are going to talk about white sugar calories, as this is by far and away the most commonly used type of sugar. Here we are going to give some examples of how many calories in sugar in various different quantities. Almost everybody has a sweet tooth and typically there are more cons than pros when it comes to consuming a lot of sugar, especially when it comes to the amount of calories in sugar. The examples that have been displayed below are for granulated white sugar.

  • Teaspoon of sugar - Approximately 16 calories in a level teaspoon of sugar
  • Tablespoon of sugar - Approximately 45 calories in a tablespoon of sugar
  • Calories in a cup of sugar - In a 7 oz cup of sugar there are approximately 770 calories
  • Calories in 1 oz of sugar - Approximately 110
  • Calories 10 g of sugar - Approximately 40
  • Calories in a sugar cube - Approximately 10

We have attempted to use the most common quantities that white granulated sugar is found in for the above examples. We hope that this information has been useful to you. If you are interested in brown sugar calories then please read on as these are covered in the next section.

How many calories in brown sugar

Although brown sugar is not as commonly consumed as white granulated sugar, it is still something that is used by millions of people each and every day. In this section we are going to provide you with information on how many calories in brown sugar, in the same quantities that we have used in our previous section.

  • In a teaspoon of brown sugar - Approx 12 calories in a level teaspoon of sugar
  • In a tablespoon of brown sugar - Approximately 50 calories in a tablespoon of sugar
  • In a cup of brown sugar - In a 7.8 oz cup of sugar there are approximately 830 calories
  • Calories in 1 oz of brown sugar - Approximately 107 calories
  • Calories 10 g of brown sugar - Approximately 38 calories
  • Calories in a brown sugar cube - Approximately 10 calories

As you can see there are slightly more calories to be found in white sugar than there are brown sugar calories, but the difference is not by any means huge. It is a bit of a myth when people claim that brown sugar is the 'healthy' alternative to white granulated sugar, as brown sugar is granulated sugar with some molasses added to it. This can clearly be seen in the above information on how many calories in sugar.

More Information

We trust that you have found what you are looking for when it comes to how many calories in sugar. There is much more to our website than just information on how many calories in a teaspoon of sugar. We have a long list of common foods down the left hand side menu, each with their own page dedicated to the calories that can be found in them. If you have found calories in brown sugar useful then you may also find our page on coffee calories of interest as well.

Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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