Stella Artois Calories

Stella Artois is one of the most famous brands of beer in the world. This page is devoted to showing you the Stella Artois calories found in the many different beers that the famous Belgian brewery produce.

We include the calories found in Stella Artois 4, their light beer, and also their cider aptly nambed Stella Artois Cidre.

On top of this information we will also show you the alcohol content of the various Stella Artois beers.

How many calories in Stella Artois?

First of all let's look at the classic Stella Artois beer that you can buy in both bottles, and find on tap in bars and restaurants all over the world.

  • In a 12 fl oz bottle of Stella Artois there are 154 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of Stella Artois there are 13 calories
  • In 25 ml of Stella Artois there are 11 calories

Calories in Stella Artois light beer

Most beers have a light beer equivalent, and it is no different with the Stella beer brand. Check out the Stella Artois light calories that you could be consuming.

  • In a 12 fl oz bottle of Stella Artois light beer there are 103 calories
  • In 1 fl oz of Stella Artois light beer there are 9 calories
  • In 25 ml of Stella Artois light beer there are 7 calories

Stella Cidre calories

So Stella Artois Cidre is not a beer, it is in fact a cider. But with it coming under the Stella Artois brand we thought it only right to include it here.

  • In an imperial pint of Stella Cidre (568 ml) there are 150 calories
  • In a US pint of Stella Cidre (473 ml) there are 125 calories

Stella 4 calories

Stella Artois 4 is the low alcohol version of the Stella beer.

  • In an imperial pint of Stella 4 (568 ml) there are 256 calories
  • In a US pint of Stella 4 (473 ml) there are 213 calories

As you can see the calories in Stella Artois do vary depending on which beer you drink. If you are looking for a lower calorie beer then there is always their light beer, but lower still in calories are beers such as Miller lite, Bud light, Corona light, and Coors light, all of which can be found on our calories in drinks menu.

Stella Artois alcohol content

Here is a list of alcohol contents for the different types of Stella Artois that you can buy.

  • The alcohol content of regular Stella Artois is 5.2%
  • Stella 4 is 4%
  • Stella light is 3.4%
  • Stella cidre is 4.5%

Please remember to drink responsible, know your limits and never drink and drive.

More information

We hope that you have found the answer to any questions you may have had surrounding Stella Artois calories, and the alcohol content of Stella Artois.

If you would like to find out more about the calories found in other popular beers, alcoholic beverages and a wide range of everyday foods, please check out the menu on the left hand side of the page. If there is no time for you to have a look around now, perhaps you could bookmark us so you can come back later on?

Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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