How many calories in a Pumpkin?

If you would like to find out how many calories are in pumpkin, and related products such as pumpkin pie and bread, you have certainly come to the right page. We have provided a simple, yet thorough, guide to not only pumpkin calories, but also pumpkin nutrition facts. We also explain to you in simple terms exactly why pumpkin is something that is good for you.

If you would like to find out about the calories found in pumpkin seeds, please see our page dedicated to them.

How many calories in pumpkin?

Let's first of all look at the calories pumpkin contains.

  • An 8.6 oz cup of boiled and mashed pumpkin without salt has 49 calories
  • Pumpkin calories by weight
  • 1 oz of boiled and mashed pumpkin without salt has 6 calories
  • 10 g of boiled and mashed pumpkin without salt has 2 calories
  • In 1 oz of canned pumpkin pie filling there is 29 calories
  • In 10 g of canned pumpkin pie filling there is 10 calories

Calories in pumpkin pie

Pumpkin pie is a very popular dish in the USA, but how many calories does it contain?

  • In a 3.8 oz piece of pumpkin pie there are 229 calories
  • In 1 oz of pumpkin pie there are 60 calories
  • In 10 g of pumpkin pie there are 21 calories

Calorie in pumpkin bread

  • In a 4.3 oz piece of pumpkin bread there are 390 calories
  • In 1 oz of pumpkin bread there are 91 calories
  • In 10 g of pumpkin bread there are 32 calories

Please note that the pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie calories shown above are approximations as this can be prepared in various way commercially.

We hope that the information provided on this page in relation to pumpkin calories has been useful to you. To find out about the nutritional benefits of pumpkin, please continue to read.

Pumpkin nutrition facts

The following pumpkin nutrition facts are based on 100 g / 3.5 oz of boiled pumpkin.

  • Vitamin A - 4992 IU (an impressive 100% of your recommended daily allowance)
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 0.0 milligrams
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.1 milligrams
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - 0.4 milligrams
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0.2 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.0 milligrams
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) - 9.0 micrograms
  • Vitamin B12 - 0.0 micrograms
  • Vitamin C - 4.7 milligrams
  • Vitamin E- 0.8 milligrams
  • Vitamin K - 0.8 micrograms
  • Choline - 6.2 milligrams
  • Protein - 0.7 g
  • Dietary Fiber - 1.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 4.9 g
  • Water - 93.7 g
  • Total fats - 0.1 g
  • Sugars - 1.0 g

If you want to find out more about the nutrients that have been listed above, such as the many foods that they can be found in, and the roles that they play in keeping you healthy, please check out our vitamins and minerals in foods menu.

Is pumpkin good for you?

So is pumpkin good for you? It is a certainty that pumpkin is something that can do you no harm whatsoever. It is incredibly low in calories, and has almost zero fat, to go with the fact it does not contain any cholesterol. It has a high water content, and also provides a very rich dose of vitamin A as well. It also contains small amounts of various other vitamins and minerals and is something that can help to contribute to keeping your nutrient balances up at a safe level.

More information

We trust that the information that we have provided on the calories in pumpkin, pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread have been helpful, as has the pumpkin nutrition facts that we have highlighted. If you want to find out more about the calories found in a wide range of other foods and beverages, please take a look at the menu on the left hand side of the page.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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