Calories in an Apricot
Apricots are a fruit that are enjoyed both raw and dried, bit how many calories are in apricots? This page is devoted to giving you all of the information you are going to need when it comes to both apricot calories and apricot nutrition.
We will use different examples using the raw and dried fruit, and also show you all of the nutritional benefits that make apricots a fruit that is very good for you indeed.
How many calories in an apricot?
First of all let's look at the calories apricots contain as a raw fruit.
- In a 1.2 oz raw apricot there are 17 calories
- In 1 oz of raw apricot there are 14 calories
- In 10 g of raw apricot there are 5 calories
Dried apricot calories
Now let's have a look at the calories in dried apricots, as this is a very popular way that people like to buy and consume this fruit.
- In a 0.1 oz half dried apricot there are 8 calories
- In a 4.6 oz cup of dried apricot halves there are 313 calories
- In 1 oz of dried apricot there are 68 calories
- In 10 g of dried apricot there are 24 calories
As you can see there are considerably more calories in dried apricots than there are in the raw fruit. If you continue to read you are going to find out the nutritional content of raw apricots.
Are apricots good for you?
The list of nutrients above paints a very positive picture if you are somebody who likes to include apricots in their diet.
The raw fruit provides you with a very good dose of both vitamin A and also vitamin C. On top of that it provides at least a trace of all of the other essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires. There is no doubt about it that apricots are a low calorie fruit that are very good for you.
Related Pages for Apricots
- Calories in Fruits (index)
- Nutrition in Apricots
- Nutrition in Fruits (index)
- Vitamins and Minerals in Foods (index)
More information
We really hope that you have been able to find the information that you were looking for on this page when it comes to dried apricot calories, and also apricot nutrition facts.
If you would like to learn more about the calories and nutritional values found in various other fruits and everyday foods, please take a look at the menu on the left hand side of the page. Should you not have the time to look around right now, why not bookmark us and come back later on?