Calories in Apple Crumble

If you want to know how many calories are in apple crumble, you have come to the right page. This site provides you with the calorific and nutritional values of hundreds of everyday foods and beverages, and is one of the best free calorie counters online. Our aim is to help you make better dietary decisions.

How many calories in an apple fritter?

So how many calories does apple crumble have in it? Using some of the most popular examples we are going to highlight that right away.

Swiss chalet apple crumble

  • A 9 oz serving = 480
  • 100 g = 188
  • 1 oz = 53

Red lobster apple crumble a la mode

  • 1 serving contains 770 cal.

Hopefully this section has given you a clearer picture as to the calories apple crumble contains. To find out calorific and nutritional information on related foods, check out the links below.

Related pages

Further information

We trust that our page explaining how many calories are in apple crumble has been helpful, we hope that you found everything that you were searching for.

Covered here are hundreds of other common foods and beverages, all of which can be found via the easy to navigate menus on the left hand side of the page, so please take a look round while you are online.

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Disclaimer: The text on calories in is for your information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

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